Online connection application service - myEnergy help
We use an online connection application service called myEnergy to streamline the connections process. myEnergy allows you to:
- submit and track new connections (metered and unmetered supply), alterations, and abolishment applications
- submit pre-approval for a rooftop solar connection, small scale battery (up to 30kVA total inverter capacity at the premises).
What you can do on myEnergy
Submit an application
- new supply connections
- modification to existing supply connections
- new embedded generation and battery connections (both registered and non-registered as per the National Electricity Rules)
- modifications to existing embedded generation and battery connections (both registered and non-registered as per the National Electricity Rules)
- registration of electric vehicle charging units connected to UE network - electric vehicle charging units are currently considered as load connections only that do not have the capability to feed power to the grid.
Upgrade, extend, or modify our network to enable supply
- Pit installations
- New or increased supply
- Public lighting schemes
- Unmetered supply
- Relocating, replacing, or removing assets or equipment
- Providing power to new housing or industrial estates
- High voltage supply and major projects
- High level network capacity information for unregistered embedded generation applications
- Embedded generation and battery connections (both registered and unregistered).
Apply for and obtain permits
- No Go Zones
- High load transport
myEnergy benefits
The benefits of the online connection application service include:
- using a single log on to register as a REC, LEW and/or Solar Installer
- the choice to manage which LEWs can submit applications on your behalf
- replacing paper application forms with easy-to-use online forms with built-in validation and guidance to improve submission accuracy, meaning fewer rejected applications and follow-up requests
- submitting new connection, alteration, and abolishment applications directly to United Energy rather than via Retailers
- the ability to save drafts and submit bundled applications for multiple jobs at the same site
- selecting a truck appointment at a time convenient for you
- making payments in near real-time
- receiving updates on application progress via SMS and/or email, tracking your application progress in real-time, and receiving notifications on actions required to progress your application
- submitting enquiries directly to the team processing your application
- easy 24/7 access via the United Energy website on your laptop, PC, or smart device.
Register for myEnergy
Register and visit the online connection application service.
When registering your myEnergy account, if you are a Registered Electrical Contractor, Licensed Electrical Worker or Solar Installer, ensure you select 'Yes' to the 'Are you an electrician or solar installer' question to avoid issues with submitting applications
myEnergy guides and work instructions
How to create a my Energy account
How to sign into and navigate my Energy
How to submit a new connection application
How to view or make changes to an existing application
How to view or pay an invoice on an existing application
This guide steps you through how how to pay an invoice in myEnergy for an application already connected to your account.
How to submit an alteration request
How to request an abolishment
How to complete a pending action
How to apply for a Solar Preliminary Assessment
How to submit a solar pre-approval request
How to manage LEW Permissions as a REC
How to request an underground electricity supply
Video - How to create a myEnergy account
What you need to do
Video - sign in and navigate
A guide to getting in and checking out the features of myEnergy
Video - making an application
A step by step guide to your application
Registration and Account Management FAQ
- Where do I access myEnergy to complete my registration?
- Are separate log ins required in myEnergy if I need to register as an REC, LEW and/or Solar Installer?
- How can I add my LEW details to my REC account after I have completed the registration process?
- As a REC, can I nominate which LEWs can submit applications on my behalf?
- How can I update my details if my information and communication preferences change?
- How can I change my account from a customer account to a REC or LEW account?
- Can I change the email address registered on my account?
- How do I reset my myEnergy password?
Fees and Billing FAQ
- Where can I find information about United Energy’s fees?
- How much is a business hour versus after hours truck appointment?
- Why do you charge wasted visit fees?
- Who can I speak to about being charged a waisted visit fee?
Embedded Generation FAQ
- How do I get my meter configured to export solar? Or how do I register my solar with United Energy?
- How does a customer or REC make an application for an Embedded Generation system over 30kW?
- Why does United Energy require me to submit a Solar Pre-approval (SPA) for all Embedded Generation Connections?
- What type of installation requires a Solar Pre-Approval?
- Who can apply for Solar Pre-Approval?
- How does an applicant submit a Solar Pre-Approval?
- What are the potential outcomes of the pre-approval?
- How long will it take for the pre-approval outcome to be determined?
- What happens if a pre-approval outcome cannot be determined within a few minutes?
- How is the outcome of a Solar Pre-Approval determined?
- How long does a customer or their representative get to install a micro embedded degeneration system after pre-approval has been obtained?
- Who receives a copy of the pre-approval outcome?
- How will the pre-approval outcome be communicated?
- Can an applicant reapply for pre-approval in the future if they want to increase the amount of export in the future?
- How do I get a Preliminary Assessment?
- I have received the results of the Preliminary Assessment. Does it mean that I can install now?
- What if I am not happy with the Preliminary Assessment outcome?
- My assessment has an outcome of ‘0.0kW export’. What does this mean?
- . I am trying to submit the alteration request through myEnergy, however, it is saying the Solar Pre-Approval (SPA) is invalid, but it hasn’t expired yet. What does this mean?
- When do I require a Generator Agreement?
- When do I require a Single Line Diagram (SLD)?
- Do I need to complete injection testing?
- Do I have to balance a system across phases?
- Do I need to maintain 2% voltage rise if my application was not approved to export?