Electric Vehicle Grid Project
Between 2022 and 2023 we partnered with electricity distribution companies Jemena, AusNet Services, Evoenergy, TasNetworks to understand the effects of electric vehicle (EV) charging on the grid.
The Electric Vehicle Grid project saw 170 EV owners across Victoria, Tasmania and the ACT trial the use of managed charging (where electricity network businesses manage EV charging times via an internet connected smart charger). Managed charging has the potential to help control demand on the electricity grid during peak times or soak up excess solar being generated during the day.
Participants continued to plug in their car to charge when it was convenient, but their electricity network business could dynamically adjust charging times to balance demand on the grid.
The trial demonstrated that managed charging can help balance extra demand on the electricity grid during peak times reducing the need to increase generation capacity or upgrade existing electricity infrastructure.
It also noted that:
- 76 per cent of participants said they would purchase a smart charger, which charges up to three times faster than a regular charger commonly supplied with a new EV and can allow electricity networks to manage charging times, based on their user experience during the trial.
- 74 per cent of participants preferred managed charging over convenience charging.
- 97 per cent of participants said they would be willing to participate in future EV trials.
For details about the trial visit: https://arena.gov.au/projects/jemena-dynamic-electric-vehicle-charging-trial/
To learn more about getting your own EV and connecting it to our network visit our Electric Vehicle page.
Solar enablement program

Aerial inspections