Emergency backstop for minimum system load events
As more Victorians install rooftop solar, we are changing the way we operate our network. From 1 October 2024, new and upgraded rooftop solar systems (with less than 200kVA of capacity) will be able to be remotely reduced or stopped if there is an excess of energy in the network.
Our customers’ desire for a cleaner energy future has resulted in one of the largest uptakes of rooftop solar in Australia. During the day, all that solar provides abundant, low-cost energy for all consumers. But on occasions when demand for energy is low, this abundance can create imbalances in the electricity network.
To manage the risk of these events, the Victorian Government is requiring United Energy to develop new ways to manage exports and generation from rooftop solar systems.
This capability, known as an emergency backstop, is being introduced in two stages. Stage 1 was activated in October 2023 for systems larger than 200kVA. Stage 2 will apply on our networks from 1 October 2024 and cover systems up to 200kVA.
This will help us to provide a secure, reliable supply of energy to all customers and allow more renewable energy to connect to the network.
What this means
From 1 October 2024, new and upgrading solar customers are required to install a system that allows solar exports to be remotely reduced or stopped (known as curtailment) if there is an excess of energy in the network.
The changes only apply to customers installing, upgrading or replacing solar systems (with capacity of 200kVA or less) from 1 October. Existing solar customers are not be affected unless they upgrade their current system.
We can now activate technology (known as an emergency backstop) to remotely reduce or stop exports from solar systems if there is excess energy in the network. This requires new solar customers to install an internet-connected solar inverter and provide a stable internet connection.
The capability to reduce solar exports will only be used under direction from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) when there are imbalances in the network. In these rare events, we will initially reduce solar exports so customers can continue to self-consume the electricity they generate. If the grid is still not secure, we may turn off solar generation, but only ever as a last resort.
For more information on how we may respond see our minimum system load event web page.
What you need to know
Meeting the new government requirements has resulted in changes to the processes that customers, solar installers and equipment manufacturers follow. For specific information visit our Rooftop solar and Solar Installer Resources web pages, and see the frequently asked questions below.
General FAQs
- Why have you changed the way solar exports are managed?
- What are the benefits of the new system?
- Do we need to comply with the backstop if a pre-approval application was submitted before 1 October and installed afterwards?
- How does the emergency backstop apply to sites where there is a legacy inverter already installed?
Solar customer FAQs
- How does this affect my solar system?
- How much will this change cost me in lost feed-in tariff?
- Will an ethernet internet connection be required or will Wi-Fi suffice?
- What happens if I change internet provider or replace my modem?
- Can I install rooftop solar if I don’t have an internet connection?
Solar installer FAQs
- Are there changes to the solar installation process?
- Does this impact the hardware that solar installers can use?
- How do I find out which solar inverters are approved to connect to the network?
- Does this change apply to every installation?
- What is a CSIP-AUS solar inverter?
- What happens if the capability test is unsuccessful?
- How do we get support?
- How can we learn more about the changing requirements?