Energy retailers
myEnergy online connection application service
United Energy’s online application service, myEnergy, enables electricians, customers and solar installers to:
- submit, track and complete new connections (metered and unmetered supply), alterations, and abolishment applications
- submit pre-approval for a rooftop solar connection and small-scale battery (up to 30kVA total inverter capacity at the premises)
- obtain high-level network capacity information for large scale embedded generation applications (between 30kVA and 1MVA)
- submit applications to upgrade, extend, or modify our network to enable supply, including:
- pit installations
- new or increased supply
- public lighting schemes
- unmetered supply
- relocating, replacing, or removing assets or equipment
- providing power to new housing or industrial estates
- high voltage supply and major projects
- high level network capacity information for unregistered embedded generation applications
- embedded generation and battery connections (both registered and unregistered)
- obtain permits for:
- No Go Zones
- high load transport
To assist you with navigating myEnergy, we have created supporting materials, which can be found here.
A number of tools and resources are available to support energy retailers in working with us to:
- Arrange service connections or alter existing connections
- Energise new customers
- Provide NMI and meter data to support the preparation of accurate electricity bills based on real time consumption.
- Service orders
- NMI standing data
- MSATS information
- Metering and data streams
- Energisations and special reads
- Customer details and site access.
You can contact the retailer helpline on 1300 131 685.
Registered electrical contractors

Developers and builders