Contestable works
United Energy is required to provide customers with tender options when electricity supply, undergrounding (or similar services) and public lighting requests necessitate augmentation of the distribution network. These tender options include the calling of tenders by the customer or calling of tenders by the distributor at the customer’s request.
Our contestable works typically relate to the following customers:
- Commercial customers (such as real estate developers or large businesses)
- Industrial customers (including manufacturers)
- Residential customers where a network extension or upgrade (‘augmentation’) is required (such as pole to pit or rural supply areas).
UE connection offers include the price for connection and augmentation works and a number of contestability or tendering options. If you wish to undertake the design and/or construction work, please refer to our Tendering Policy for information on how to determine market prices for network connection, augmentation or relocation of network assets.
Developers and builders

New and upgraded supplies