New and upgraded supplies
A connection request may require the United Energy network to be upgraded or extended to make supply available. Examples of these negotiated connections typically include:
- Residential or commercial premises requiring 170 amps or more
- New or upgraded underground pits
- New land subdivisions and real estate developments
- High voltage, reserve capacity or dedicated assets
Rural-based properties should always confirm supply availability with us before requesting a new or upgraded connection service. Infrastructure is not always available and a negotiated connection may be required.
A project fee will be payable for preparation of a connection offer. We will advise the value of this fee following an initial assessment of your request.
You may be required to pay towards the cost of the connection, extension and augmentation works. This payment is separate to your retailer’s monthly charges for ongoing electricity supply. These charges can vary significantly depending on:
- The scale and complexity of work required.
- The capacity requested by the customer.
- The location of the development relative to our distribution network.
- Our Connection Policy details the basis for calculating these charges.
Connection offers include the price for connection and augmentation works and a number of contestability or tendering options. For more information regarding contestability visit our Contestable Works page.
United Energy's online connection application service allows you to:
- submit applications to upgrade, extend, or modify our network to enable supply, including:
- pit installations
- new or increased supply
- public lighting schemes
- unmetered supply
- relocating, replacing, or removing assets or equipment
- providing power to new housing or industrial estates
- high voltage supply and major projects
- high level network capacity information for unregistered embedded generation applications
- embedded generation and battery connections (both registered and unregistered)
- obtain permits for:
- No Go Zones
- high load transport
Related forms and documents
United Energy connection policy
This policy outlines the connection services we provide, how connection charges are calculated and the application process.
Tendering policy
Our contestability of connection and augmentation guideline.
How to request an underground electricity supply
HV Customer Document Submission Checklist
This checklist is used to follow up on project progress and document submission for HV connections. All items in this checklist need to be provided prior to finalising of a HV connection.
Subdivision conditions customer guidelines
Explains what you need to know about a condition that may have been placed on a planning permit.
Template for Underground Asset Drawing - size A0
Template for Underground Asset Drawing - size A0
Template for Underground Asset Drawing - size A1
Template for Underground Asset Drawing - size A1
Template for Underground Asset Drawing - size A2
Template for Underground Asset Drawing - size A2
Template for Underground Asset Drawing - size A3
Template for Underground Asset Drawing - size A3
Template for Underground Asset Drawing - size A4
Template for Underground Asset Drawing - size A4
Template for Underground Asset Drawing - size B1
Template for Underground Asset Drawing - size B1
Template for Underground Asset Drawing - Sample Drawing
Template for Underground Asset Drawing - Sample Drawing
Guidelines for creating underground service asset drawings
Underground Service Drawings submitted to United Energy must follow specified standards. Drawings must be submitted at the time of application.
Contestable works

Developers and builders