What we do

What we do

We manage more than 200,000 poles, thousands of kilometres of powerlines and deliver services to over 700,000 customers. Our assets include the meters that measure the amount of electricity you use.

Network Control Centre

Our networks are managed by a control room that operates 24/7, 365 days a year. The control centre manages the flow of electricity to and from your place while monitoring the performance and security of our network.

Our high-tech control centre receives outage signals from across our network and guides crews on the ground to act or restore power as safely and quickly as possible.

Each year, thousands of jobs are managed by our network controllers – mobilising crews where needed to fix faults on the network, or to conduct routine repair and maintenance jobs.

Getting power to you

There are four steps in the energy supply chain that gets electricity to your home or business.

The four steps of power generation displayed with power flowing left to right: generation, transmission, distribution and the customer.
The four steps of power generation displayed with power flowing left to right: generation, transmission, distribution and the customer.
  1. Power generation
    It starts with large-scale generators - hydro, wind, solar, coal and gas-fired – that produce the electricity in the National Electricity Market.

  2. Transmission
    Generated electricity is transported at high voltage along transmission lines. These are the large towers with multiple powerlines that you’ll see across the country.

  3. Distribution and meter management
    We take the power from these transmission lines, convert it into a lower voltage, and then distribute it via our network of poles and wires to your home or business. Our role is to make sure power is safely and reliably delivered to your electricity meter. We also take care of your electricity meter, which measures the amount of electricity that you use.

  4. From retailer to customer
    We share your electricity data with your energy retailer, who is responsible for sending your electricity bills. You’ll need to talk to them regarding your pricing plan or to pay your bills.

Key stats on our network



We provide safe, reliable and affordable electricity – and offer new energy technologies to our customers.



Number of poles in network.



The total length of powerlines and cables across the United Energy network.



Renewable generation connected to the network, residential solar makes up 75% of this.

Our key responsibilities:

  • Maintaining network safety and reliability to meet the power supply needs of our customers.
  • Extending and upgrading the network so the future power supply needs of customers are met when required.
  • Operating the network 24x7.
  • Connecting new customers to the network.
  • Maintaining the public lighting system.
  • Providing meter data to retailers.

Affordability, pricing and charges

Putting customers first