Affordability, pricing and charges
Tariffs and charges
There are two categories of prices:
- Network charges – the cost to deliver electricity to your home or business via the high voltage transmission network as well as our distribution network.
- Alternative control services – metering, public lighting and various customer requested service charges (for example, connection costs for new residential developments).
The network and metering charges form part of the electricity bill you receive from your energy retailer. On average, these charges are about 27% of your electricity bill.
Tariff options
The network charge you pay depends on which tariff you have selected to be on with your energy retailer. There are several options available, including:
- Different classes of tariffs depending on where you draw your power from and how much you use – these include low voltage residential, low voltage business, large low voltage, high voltage and sub-transmission.
- Categories of tariffs for each class which depend on when you use power – these include fixed charge, peak energy rate, off peak energy rate and demand rate.
How much we can charge in total for these is subject to a revenue cap. This form of control is managed by the AER. It means that each year, we need to ensure the proposed prices and the quantity of services proposed for the next year will not result in us receiving more revenue than was AER-approved.
What we do with your charges
We use your network and metering charges to deliver a range of services, including:
- Maintaining network safety and reliability to meet the current power supply needs of our customers
- Extending and upgrading the network so that the future power supply needs of customers are met when required
- Operating the network on a day to day basis
- Connecting new customers to the network
- Maintaining the public lighting system
- Providing metering services
Documents and resources
2024-25 pricing proposal
UE Tariff Structure Statement (TSS) 2021-2026
This is what we send to the AER so our proposed tariff structure can be approved.
Generator and storage trial tariff factsheet United Energy
Residential daytime saver trial tariff factsheet
United Energy will offer an optional residential trial network tariff from 1 July 2022 to encourage electricity use in the middle of the day.