Regulatory Reset 2021-26

2021-2026 Regulatory Reset

The AER announced its final determination on the business plans for our current regulatory period in April 2021.

The approved plans sustain reliable, safe, and affordable electricity supplies while also offering new services supporting the rapidly developing energy market. This includes enabling customers to export from rooftop solar or connect batteries and electric vehicle chargers.

Household customers benefitted from a $60 reduction in network charges in the first year of the current five-year period. This was made possible by improved efficiencies in the business. United Energy is one of the top five most productive distribution businesses in the National Electricity Market.

Other highlights of our plans include:

  • Increased expenditure on network safety, reliability, bushfire mitigation and environmental obligations
  • A solar enablement program to help more customers export excess rooftop solar into our network
  • Upgrading zone substations and feeder lines at Doncaster, Keysborough, Mornington and East Malvern to get ready for new customer choices like electric vehicles
  • Bringing our customer services onshore to a Customer Contact Centre in Victoria to improve the customer experience.

The promises made in our regulatory proposal have been captured in a set of commitments to customers that now form priorities for our teams. Find out more at Customer

Regulatory reset documents and resources

UE revised proposal 2021-2026

  • 13.87mb
  • pdf

We’ve taken feedback along with updated analysis, operational learnings and the latest technology to revise our proposal. Read how we will deliver customer outcomes in our revised regulatory proposal

Tariff Structure Statement explanatory document

  • 1.74mb
  • pdf

Provides the reasoning underlying our revised proposed TSS, including how we relied on the feedback we received from our stakeholders.

Customer Service Incentive Scheme

  • 1.01mb
  • pdf

We have listened and collaborated with our customers from across our networks to design a tailored incentive scheme. We are proud to present a CSIS proposal that reflects what customer service

Customer Engagement in BAU

  • 0.26mb
  • pdf

With a goal of ensuring customer needs and priorities are at the centre of what we do we have developed a strategy for continual customer and stakeholder engagement as part of our business

Director Certification

  • 1.74mb
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A signed document from Company Secretary Peter Wilkins stating that the key assumptions used for expenditure forecasts are reasonable.

Uncertainty appendix

  • 0.37mb
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We cannot control every eventuality. The uncertainty regime under the National Electricity Rules comprises pass-through events, capital expenditure reopeners and contingent projects.

Indicative Pricing Schedule

  • 0.31mb
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Improves transparency and predictability of network prices. Actual prices are likely to be different because some elements of the charges are difficult to forecast or are unknown.

Supporting Materials List

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A list of supporting documents used in the preparation of our Revised Regulatory Proposal 2021-2026.

Confidentiality Claim Template

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Set out in accordance with the AER's Better Regulation Confidentiality Guideline.

Customer Engagement Research Findings June 1 2020

  • 1.02mb
  • pdf

Used in the preparation of our Revised Regulatory Proposal.

Customer Engagement Research Findings July 24 2020

  • 0.95mb
  • pdf

Used in the preparation of our Revised Regulatory Proposal.

Customer Engagement Research Findings August 25 2020

  • 0.66mb
  • pdf

Used in the preparation of our Revised Regulatory Proposal.

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